Monday, April 27, 2009

Action in Room 13

Updating our Map
On our Taradale map we have added pictures of people, classrrooms, fitness trail, PE shed and the adventure playground.

Dino Board
We have a Dino Board. If we get two ticks we get to pick a prize from the treasure box.

Sound of the Week
Our sound of the week this week is "ar". We have learnt "or", "er" and "ng"

Task Board
We have taskboards for Written Language and Maths. These tell us the learning we are to do. Some groups get to learn with the teacher.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our Learning Last Week

Our Places
Our map now has pictures and labels on it. We also now have a map of New Zealand. The arrows show where we were born.

We were learning how to print for art. We used cardboard to write our name. We laid the paper over the top of the cardboard and rolled it with a roller. Art the bottom we wrote what we want to get better at.

We are learning to join two ideas together using conjunctions.

Our Place

Our Place
This is the map that we are going to label.

Harold and the Food Pyramid

Harold and the Food Pyramid
This is the healthy food pyramid.

Adventure Playground

Adventure Playground
We have learnt to wait for our turns.