Monday, June 22, 2009


We drew some pictures of pirates. We used pencils for the outline. Then we coloured them in with pastels.

Photo by Ollie


We got some shapes and drew around them with pencil. Then we went over them with felts. Finally we coloured them in.
Photo by Daniel


We have brought photos of our grandparents to school to add to our display wall. We are learning about special people and our grandparents are special people.

Photo by Patrick

Dolbel Reserve Trip

Our class went on a school trip to Dolbel Reserve. This is a big hill in Taradale. You can slide down the hill on a cardboard box. We went up there to get a good view of our special places in Taradale. We could see our school, the clock tower, some of our houses and Sugar Loaf.

Photo by Josh

Our Place

Our Place
This is the map that we are going to label.

Harold and the Food Pyramid

Harold and the Food Pyramid
This is the healthy food pyramid.

Adventure Playground

Adventure Playground
We have learnt to wait for our turns.